Conference Session

Confronting Genocide in the 21st Century: The Choices Program

2:30 pm
NCSS Conference Session

Room 105B

How can we teach about genocide in a sensitive, empathetic, age-appropriate manner that empowers students with knowledge and skills to address genocides and their aftermath? Explore the Choices Program’s revised Confronting Genocide: Never Again? unit, which includes new content on the OvaHerero-Nama genocide in Namibia and the Uyghurs. Join the Choices Program at the NCSS Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, for this engaging session. Session participants must be registered for the conference.  

Co-sponsored by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
$0 Per Person
Black and white closeup of two Namibian women in the early 1900s wearing a combination of traditional and German-influenced clothing.

Session participants will receive a one-year Digital Editions license for the Choices curriculum unit Confronting Genocide: Never Again?



This session is open to all who teach about genocides and are looking for new approaches and materials. 

Headshot of Mimi Stephens

Mimi Stephens

Choices Director of Sales and Professional Development
Mimi is the Director of Sales and Professional Development for the Choices Program. Prior to joining the Choices Program in 2011, Mimi worked at Clark University where she served as the Director of the Teacher Center for Global Studies supporting K12 social studies teachers throughout Massachusetts for more than 20 years. Mimi holds a Masters in International Development and Social Change from Clark University.
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