The largest South American country has an often surprising and overlooked history. In this unit, students see Brazil as a unique, dynamic country with an important history, diverse culture, and its own path of development.
Conference Session
Incorporating Cuba and Brazil into Your Latin American Studies or History Course
10:00 am
NCCSS Conference Session
How can you incorporate the histories of Brazil or Cuba in your U.S. History, World History, or Latin American Studies course? With Choices Program curriculum of course!
During this session at the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies conference, we’ll explore the student readings, lessons, and videos found in both the History, Revolution, and Reform: New Directions for Cuba curriculum and the Brazil: A History of Change curriculum. We’ll discuss ways you can incorporate them, in whole or in part, into your courses. Each curriculum is about 10-15 days in length and is appropriate for middle and high school classrooms.
This session will be held in Tidewater A.
Co-sponsored by NCCSS
Mimi is the Director of Sales and Professional Development for the Choices Program. Prior to joining the Choices Program in 2011, Mimi worked at Clark University where she served as the Director of the Teacher Center for Global Studies supporting K12 social studies teachers throughout Massachusetts for more than 20 years. Mimi holds a Masters in International Development and Social Change from Clark University.