Introductory Webinar

Teaching about Latin America during the Cold War: Focus on Cuba

7:00 pm — 8:00 pm

Join the Choices Program and RetroReport for an engaging webinar. We’ll examine the Choices Program’s History, Revolution, and Reform: New Directions for Cuba curriculum unit, which provides historical content on Cuba from Spanish colonialism through today. We’ll take a close look at one lesson, “Operation Carlota,” which asks students to act as historians as they examine sources on Cuba’s involvement in Angola during the Cold War. RetroReport will also share its resources on the Cold War in Latin America.  

Presenters: Mimi Stephens and David Olson

Co-sponsored by RetroReport
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Three Cuban school girls opening up newspapers

All participants will receive a complimentary one-year Digital Editions license to the History, Revolution, and Reform: New Directions for Cuba curriculum unit as well as free resources from RetroReport.


This webinar will be useful for any secondary level or college educator who teaches about the Cold War in Latin America or includes content on Cuba in their classroom.

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