Chatting with Choices

Teaching with Political Cartoons

4:00 pm
Chatting with Choices

Grab your colleagues and join us for Chatting with Choices! We’ll demonstrate the “Political Cartoons” lesson in The U.S. Role in a Changing World curriculum unit. Participants will learn Choices’ visual thinking techniques that can be used with any political cartoon.

Chatting with Choices is an informal time for you and other educators to ask questions, explore features in our Digital Editions platform, chat about best practices, learn about new developments, and more.

Chatting with Choices is not recorded.

$0 Per Person
Political cartoon showing a map of the world overlaid on the outline of hand holding a bottle of medicine with the label SOS on it.
  • Each participant who attends this free webinar will receive a one-year Digital Editions license to the Choices Program’s The U.S. Role in a Changing World curriculum unit.
  • A mini-lesson on political cartoons.
  • If requested, a short demonstration of our Digital Editions platform.

Chatting with Choices is open to all.

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