Students survey the economic issues and political developments that have shaped the outlook of policymakers in the Kremlin and Washington, D.C.
What’s new in the Russia and the United States unit (formerly Russia’s Transformation)?
Join Choices and the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University as we explore the new and newly revised lessons and readings in the renamed Choices unit, Russia and the United States-Perspectives from History, Choices for Today (formerly Russia’s Transformation). We’ll focus on a new lesson in the unit, “NATO and the War in Ukraine.” We’ll also look at the recent Choices Teaching with the News lesson, “The Genocide Convention and War in Ukraine.”
Co-sponsored by the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University
Participants will receive a six-month Digital Editions license to the unit and additional resources from Harvard University’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies.
Anyone who will be teaching about Russia-U.S. relations in the coming school year will find this webinar and the newly revised curriculum unit from the Choices Program to be useful. The unit is most appropriate for courses in U.S. government, U.S. history, current issues, or world studies.