Choices offers introductory workshops and webinars to assist educators in implementing Choices materials in their classrooms.

Upcoming Events

The Vietnam War: Origins, History, and Legacies


7:00 pm
Celebrate Earth Day with the Choices Program

Chatting with Choices

4:00 pm
Incorporating Cuba and Brazil into Your Latin American Studies or History Course

NCCSS Conference Session

10:00 am
Teaching about the Vietnam War in the U.S. or World History Classroom

NCCSS Conference Session

12:00 pm
Japanese American Incarceration in WWII


7:00 pm
Why Teach about the Haitian Revolution?


7:00 pm
The Weimar Republic and the Rise of Nazi Germany


7:00 pm
Nigeria: Its History and Place in the World Today


7:00 pm
Skills-based Lessons for Women’s History


7:00 pm
Exploring Choices’ Curriculum – The Vietnam War: Origins, History, and Legacies

In-person Workshop

8:30 am
Providence, RI
Exploring Freedom and Liberty in Choices’ Civil War and Civil Rights Curriculum

In-person Workshop

8:30 am
Providence, RI
Teaching about Historical Memory with the Choices Program


7:00 pm
View our events archive to see a full range of the types of events we offer. events archive
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