“Choices has helped me teach effectively at a variety of levels and content areas. I have used it since I started teaching seven years ago and I love it!”  – Amanda, Washington

The Choices Program has been developing unique, award-winning curriculum for more than 30 years. Thank you for your purchase and your dedication to bringing high quality, inquiry-based curriculum to your students. Now that the curriculum is in your hands, whether in print or Digital Editions, it’s time to get started with it in the classroom! These pages will provide you and your team members with essential background information, ideas, and strategies for fully implementing Choices Program curriculum units and series in a variety of classroom settings.

Current Issues Series Support

The Current Issues Series Support page focuses on supporting your use of the curriculum units in our Current Issues Series. Explore a Miro board, a guidebook, and sample syllabi.

U.S. History Series Support

The U.S. History Series Support page provides an overview of this series through a Miro board (with accompanying introductory video), a guidebook, and several videos highlighting how the Choices Program’s U.S. History Series aligns with the Teaching Hard History Framework on American Slavery.

To learn more about our digital curriculum format, check out the videos, FAQs, and other information on our Digital Editions page. If you are considering using Choices Program materials but have yet to make a purchase, you will also find these support and Digital Editions pages helpful.

“I love the inclusivity of the Choices Program. It is so difficult to find materials that represent diverse cultures and perspectives. Choices units balance rigorous historical skills and empathy-building content.”  – Margaret, California

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