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Videos from Mark Garrison
How were U.S.-Soviet relations while you were in Moscow?
How was Gorbachev different from other Soviet leaders?
What were the key U.S. concerns after the end of the Soviet Union?
What are the most important issues on the U.S.-Russia agenda in the coming decade?
What was your role in Moscow at the time of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?
How did Russia react to NATO expansion?
What are the implications of proposed NATO expansion to the Ukraine and Georgia?
What was the status of U.S.-Soviet relations just prior to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?
Who are you and what do you do?
How would you characterize your meetings with Soviet officials?
How did President Carter react to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?
What was the Soviet Union’s reaction to President Carter’s letter?
What kind of advice did Ambassador Watson send back to Washington?
Was the U.S. response a surprise to the Soviet government?
How did the invasion affect U.S. policy towards the Soviet Union?
The United States in Afghanistan
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